Spring is usually my favorite time of year here, barring allergies. This spring has been cold and miserable, though, and I've been stressed out. I picked up a poison ivy rash from some plants growing in the front rosebed. Lovely, huh? It's the third time I've had poison ivy in the last 12 months. Ever since I found out aloe is a good remedy, it's been easier to deal with, because I have a lot of aloe plants, and it really does work immediately. But last weekend I was so itchy and apparently, extremely whiny, that my dear husband quite pointedly told me to go to an urgent care place and get it treated.
I'm better now, but I've realized that I was under a lot more stress than I realized. March and April are budget-planning at work, which is the biggest part of my job, so I have a ton of meetings and there's a lot of data, and a lot of work to do. Plus, two statistics courses at the same time in grad school. Then there's been a lot of drama at work, including getting a new V.P. and having to deal with some questionable art in the student gallery. And the parking lot is being redone and they cut off the water to my building three times in two days. I had a paper due this week for one of my classes, and had no idea how I was going to accomplish it with the time I had, so I got permission to take a couple of vacation days in order to work on it. I go back tomorrow much more rested.
The past couple of weeks has been rough. I'm watching a Netflix show set mostly in a beach house and it makes me want to move to the beach. I miss the Caribbean. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about the overarching goal of a comfortable retirement to a beach house, but then realizing that's a long way from now. What am I doing today that makes me happy? I can't just spend the next 15 years waiting. It wasn't until I had a couple of days off that I realized that all that angst was just stress kicking my depression into gear. At least I know how to deal with it. Getting older may be hell physically, but it's worth it for the knowledge and experience.